Customized Training and Education Seminars throughout the world |
Your customized private seminars are only created after assessing your staff's needs. Soft skills training can be difficult to judge needs, as well as, Return On Investment. The most productive use of your training dollars begins with assessing your staff's greatest shortcomings and setting the training in alignment with their needs. |
Plastics A to Z (Theory and Practice) |
Residual Stress and photoelastic Analysis |
Plastics failure Analysis & Testing |
Plastics Identification and Material Selection |
Plastics Product Design |
Tooling for Injection Molding |
Scientific Molding |
Micro Molding |
Energy Efficient Injection Molding Operation |
Gas Assist and Microcellular (Mucell) Technology |
Teaching Experience and credentials of our team |
Plastics Engineering certificate Program at CALPOLY Pomona, CA |
Product design & Tooling, UC Reverside, CA |
Advance Product Design, UC San Diego, CA |
Injection Molding - Theory & Practice, UC San Diego, CA |
Plastics 101, Cerritos College, Cerritos, CA |
Industry Seminars |
SPE Seminars, SPI Symposiums, SME Technical Seminar |
Conducting Injection Molding Training Seminar in China, September, 2006 |